On Windows XP/Windows 7 Disk Scan (chkdsk) shows no report upon compleation.
To see the results of a disk scan in windows you need to type this command in PowerShell:
get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"}| ?{$_.providername -match "wininit"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file c:\stuff\CheckdiskResults.txt
Please note the last path in the command: c:\stuff\CheckdiskResults.txt
You should enter an existing folder here OR to create the c:\stuff folder.
Note: to open the PowerShell (press Win + R keys together and type in PowerShell.exe)
You want to do amateur or power-level computing? Then there is no other choice than Windows! Period. As a Windows user you don't have to spend tons of a money for a Mac PC (sorry Mac guys but Mac is nothing else than an expensive PC now) and you don't have to waste time on forums to learn how install stuff. All that Linux/Mac can offer you can get on Windows and get is better. I spent many years working with Linux but it was always only my second choice. Sorry Linux friends, but I said it.